Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Welcome to the World Spinners Critique Circle!  We are a Fantasy-focused critique circle geared at helping members get their novels into ship-shape.  Each participant will have a page on this blog and they will post a picture and/or avatar, and a description of what they write, who they are, what they are working on, and their email to be used for the group.  As this is a private site, we won't be passing this info around.  

All members of this group will be nominated by other members.  The goal is to give close and thorough critiques of manuscripts, so only people whom members know to be ready for the sort of critique we seek to offer will be admitted.

Each MS will  get a turn, and members will get a month to read, revise and critique in google docs.

Depending on need, authors can follow up critiques with Skype/Hangouts on G+/phone call as applicable.  Participants should state their preferences on their page.